Many congratulations to Anastasiia in Year 12 and Charlotte in Year 10 for their fantastic results in the recent King’s International Art Competition, organised by King’s College School, Wimbledon.

Out of an impressive 117 entries exploring the theme ‘Metamorphosis-Change,’ each confined to the size of a postcard, Charlotte was awarded ‘Runner Up’, while Anastasiia received a ‘Highly Commended’ mention. Well done to you both!


Students were asked to supplement their entry with a short description of the ideas behind the work. We invite you to read the descriptions of both pieces of artwork below:

Anastasiia – Y12 IB Visual Art
“Metamorphosis is a process of transformation or evolution of an organism from one form to another, often through a series of stages. In my work I reflected metamorphosis not only in the paper, but also in the process too. When I used the ink to create all the random marks, they slowly turned into something else. I looked at the choice of the colours, and the pointy, exploited effects which led me to create a group of images that were influenced by the character in Franz Kafka’s book, Gregor Samsa. The colours, details and the hues of surroundings of those creatures can evoke specific feelings, moods, and sensations of my imagination. Which can be random, unexpected, seemingly crazy but also beautiful as well, if people are willing to see it.”


Charlotte – Y10 IGCSE Art & Design
“This composition is my own unique, multi-medium interpretation of Natalie Portman’s transcendent embodiment of the Black Swan in the 2010 film. It is a testament to the profound metamorphosis, not solely in the literal dimension, but also encapsulating the intricate tapestry of symbolism interwoven with Swan Lake, Natalie Portman as an individual, and the transformative essence she embodies as an activist for Human Rights. Personal self-discovery and the broader changes women often experience, which are the film’s prime themes, are portrayed through stark contrast created with chalk and charcoal, the soft White Swan and beguiling Black Swan. The golden stagelight echoes her unwavering commitment to champion women’s rights, foster gender equality, and promote education. with excerpts from her SDG Summit speech. On the silver screen and the broader, inclusive stage of life, she embodies the ultimate metamorphosis.”

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